Difference between a website and progressive web app?

Companies and small businesses moving forward cannot afford to not have a website, but is a website the only thing they cannot afford to be missing? While there are traditional websites that all executives, marketers, and consumers understand and know, there are other options out there.
What is the difference between a website and a progressive web application?
What is a website?
The definition of a website is, “a set of World Wide pages usually containing hyperlinks to each other and made available online by an individual, company, educational institution, government or organization.” There are hundreds of different types of websites, and you are currently on a website!
Yes, everyone understands what a website is, but for companies who are exploring all of their options, there is something else called a progressive website application.
Our web app development Denver team explains what a progressive web application truly is!
What is a Progressive Web App (PWA)?
A PWA is an advanced version of a web application. The definition of a PWA is, “A PWA, in essence, is a regular web app but with some extra potential. The term progressive web apps were coined by Alex Russell. It delivers an excellent user experience. A PWA is a high-end blend of web and app experience that provides the best experience on both desktop and mobile platforms.”
What does this really mean? This means that this website mimics the app itself. If you download Twitter on your phone and use it on a desktop, the PWA of Twitter will seem and work very similar to the mobile version.
What other websites are PWAs? You might be surprised which sites are actually PWA!
Google Maps, FourSquare, Yelp, Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, and hundreds of other common websites out there are PAW; however, they seem just like a traditional website.
Our web app development Denver experts suggest that companies explore all options when starting their business strategy. If this works within the company’s parameters and budgeting and provides the best experience possible, it could be worth the investment in the long run.
Contact us!
Not sure whether you are searching for a web app, a mobile app, or just a website? Our web app development Denver experts can help you with all three of these projects.
Posted In: Website Development