Digital Marketing in 2020

Halloween is over, it’s time to replace all your spooky decorations with turkeys and leaves. This also means its the busiest time of year. Thanksgiving will be here sooner than we can imagine and then comes Christmas and after that it will be a new decade! Let that sink in for a moment: NEW DECADE. 2020 will be here before we know it, a Digital Marketing Agency Denver is here to tell you about the upcoming trends.
Three 2020 Trends you should know about:
1. Chatbots
What makes them so special? Easy communication! Honestly, who doesn’t like their answers immediately. A chatobox is unbiased, they help the customer in a clear and informative way. In addition, you’ll see your customer satisfaction going up as well as your sales conversion.
2. Increase of Artificial Intelligence
Let’s cover our bases first, AI is robots who have been built to work as if they were human. AI uses chatbox and voice search to find answers for you. Voice search is growing, and will continue to grow with the holiday season approaching. What makes voice search stand out? It is 3.7 times faster to speak than type.
3. Personal content
If you don’t have any personal content, it’s not too late to start. We believe this is the future of digital and email marketing! Having personalized content can help you reach a specific target audience.
How to use these trends
To pile onto the digital marketing trends in 2020, let’s discuss more about chatbots and artificial intelligence. The first thing to remember is that they go hand in hand! Chatbots are AI programmed to respond to any questions or concerns regarding a business.
Raise your hand if you have messaged in a group chat before? We all have, there’s nothing to be ashamed of. Apps like WhatsApp or WeChat are popular and companies are looking to use private group chats. Companies are making it more convenient for consumers, through the chat you can ask questions and pay for your items all in one app!
Currently there are over 100,000 companies using chatbots and this number will only increase in 2020. You could have been engaging with a chatbot before but you just never knew it! You can expect faster answers and recommendations, AI technology is increasing and this means chatbots are getting smarter!
Artificial Intelligence is the future. Digital Marketing Agency Denver knows it and you should too! AI can optimize marketing campaigns, were human and we all make mistakes but you can avoid errors with AI. However, as AI is knowingly getting smarter and advancing, you cannot forget about personal content.
As a business owner, it’s important that you develop a voice and be consistent with it! You always want to start with a brand strategy. Think to yourself, what are your goals? Who is your target audience? If you want to implement digital marketing to your business, Digital Marketing Agency Denver is here for you. Let’s make sure you don’t miss out on any popular trends!
Digital Marketing is an ever-changing world, if you don't know where to start contact Denver Media Group. All content we create is custom for you and your company, we get to know you and your voice. We hear you and want your consumers too as well. Contact us with any questions or concerns.
Posted In: Social Media and Digital Marketing