The emoji phenomenon in marketing
How many people use emojis in their text messages? Raise your hand. An emoji is a simple way to convey a message to who you are speaking to. A simple kissy face signifies a kiss and an angry face signifies frustration with the conversation or something happening. Emojis are so popular that there is even an annual World Emoji Day!
This is how emojis can help to convey messages and even help with conversions and open-rates!
The story behind the smile!
The first emoji was created in 1999! In a couple of years, the first emojis will be able to legally drink! Shigetaka Kurita was the person behind the first emojis used in Japan. From there, in 2011 Apple added the first official emoji keyboard to iOS. At first, the emojis were very basic with mainstream items and feelings behind at the forefront.
As time has moved on, the selection of emojis continues to grow with the newest updates for iOS and Android. With that, how can Denver digital marketing companies use emojis in their messaging and email marketing Denver?
How to use emojis
Appriopriate emojis
Make sure that are appropriate and do not convey the wrong message. As a company, one does not want to tarnish or upset their consumers with something as simple as an emoji. It is estimated that the wrong emoji can have the negative effect of open-rates of about 60 percent decrease. Yikes. All of this from a simple emoji. Which ones should you stay away from? The eggplant is the most common one. The poop emoji dependent on your business. Any types of knives, guns or kissy faces would probably not be the best!
Use thoughtfully
While research shows that email marketing Denver email campaigns have a higher open rate of about 56 percent, emojis in the subject lines are not as main street as someone thinks. With over 2,800 emojis out there, it can be difficult to choose which one would be best, and because of this, businesses often overuse emojis. Keep it simple. If you are trying to type an email subject line in emojis, you are overdoing it.
Campaigns with emojis
Get this, entire marketing campaigns have been surrounded with emojis. Do you remember when Domino’s Pizza was giving away pizza or coupons over text/ emails? All you had to do was send back a pizza emoji. That’s it. How simple would that be to increase sales over a text message.
Adobe conducted a research study to find out that consumers are buying more from businesses using emojis strategically!
- 58 percent of consumers open email more often with one emoji in the subject line
- 44 percent of consumers are more likely to purchase products with emojis
- 64 percent of consumers are willing to make a purchase with an emoji
- 19 percent more likely to purchase food
- 13 percent more likely to purchase clothing!
The verdict? Emojis can help to come off friendly, fun and even humanize a brand. While emojis add spice to your traditional email marketing campaigns, using the right ones can be a deal breaker.
For more information on Denver digital marketing companies services, give us a call today!
Posted In: Social Media and Digital Marketing