What is BeReal?

If you have been scrolling through the Internet recently, you may have heard about something called “BeReal.” This is the next big social media app that is taking over the phones of Gen Z. It is known as the “anti-Instagram.”
Although BeReal is a relatively new social media platform, it has already reached over 10 million daily users. This app has caught not only the attention of teenagers around the world but also another popular social media app - Instagram.
What makes this social media app so appealing? Our social media marketing Denver team is here to give you the rundown on what BeReal is and why you should keep your eye on it.
BeReal is a social media app where users post daily to show their friends what they are doing in real-time. Alexis Barreyat developed it in December 2019 in France. The overall mission of BeReal is to make social media authentic again. Many users refer to the app as an anti-Instagram media platform.
How to “BeReal”
As you might expect, you start by downloading the app from the Apple Store or Google Play Store. From there, you create an account and prepare to receive a notification. The app sends a notification asking users to “BeReal” at random times during the day. Then users have two minutes to snap a picture of what they are currently doing.
However, you can still post even if you miss the notification. The post will just display how late you were for posting. In order to see what your friends are doing or see the discovery page, you need to post. Aside from showing how late you are to post, the app also displays how many times it took you to retake the photo.
There is no direct messaging available on the app, but users can still interact with their friends. Users can interact with followers through the use of RealMojis. This feature is an emoji with a selfie of that person mimicking the emoji reaction. Also, to encourage people to be more authentic, this app does not have filters or edit buttons.
Instagram’s take on BeReal
Although BeReal is known as the anti-Instagram, Instagram is already taking notes. This is not the first time that Instagram has begun to replicate another social media platform. Instagram has already replicated features of other social media platforms. In fact, users have begun to notice that Instagram is looking a lot like TikTok these days.
The latest social media news our social media marketing Denver team has found is that Instagram is testing a feature similar to BeReal called “IG Candid.” Similarly to BeReal, it will send Instagram users a notification every day at different times of the day to share what they are doing. It will give users two minutes to post. The popular photo-sharing app is already one step ahead. It has a feature with a dual camera, just like BeReal. There is no specific release date for this feature.
Let a social media marketing Denver expert handle your social media!
Whether you need help deciding if BeReal should be your next marketing move or just need an extra hand managing your social media, let Denver Media Group help! Our team can create a social media strategy to help you reach all your digital goals. Contact us to learn more about our services.
Posted In: Social Media and Digital Marketing