Denver Media Group

GTA Guns and Gear Auctions, Inc.

GTA is an auction company dedicated to getting personal and estate guns and gear collection checked, inventoried, and online fast! They take the stress and difficulty of selling online out of the equation.

When it came time for GTA to think outside of the box on their identity and brand their online auction vendor of choice Proxibid knew right where to go.  Proxibid powers GTA's online market place so it was very important for both Proxibid and GTA to receive not only the brand design that GTA needed but also the programming necessary to easily implement Proxibid's seamless web branded API.  

Being the valued Proxibid development partner we are we jumped on the task of first creating a fully responsive interface for GTA and a new identity and brand to bring their business to life online.

The result? As simplified clean design in a fully responsive interface built upon the world's most secure and user friendly content management solution, fully integrated with Proxibid.

OMG has also researched, implementing and managing GTA’s on-going online marketing, search and social marketing strategies giving GTA an advantage within their unique and very vast industries.

Go check out GTA today!

Let's Get Started, Contact Us Today!