Denver Media Group

Network With Christians

We love every client project that comes our way, but every once in a while there is one that comes into our lives that becomes very close to our own heart. Network With Christians (NWC) is one of those projects.

NWC's goal was simple: to create an online social network where Christians could create personal and business accounts and could learn and grow in their Faith while conducting business with one another.

We loved NWC's idea so much that when the idea was brought to us we hit the ground running doing research on other social networks that were out there to round up all of the best features so we could really hit the center of the target the first time for our client. 

After a few weeks of research we compiled the best list of features into an easy-to-manage content management system and an attack plan. The result? A fully-capable online social network modeled off of the best features of Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, and a few other social networks. NWC's website has so many features that it's really hard to even list them all here, but we'll try to do our very best:

  • NWC's core features include (but are not limited to):
    • Photo Albums
    • Blogs
    • Groups
    • Events
    • Chat & IM
    • Mobile
    • Music Sharing
    • Forums
    • Classifieds
    • Video Sharing
    • Polls
  • We custom-built NWC's interface to be completely drag-and-drop content management to make content editing as easy as possible for their non-technical staff members.
  • We even built in a custom membership level and moderator system so their could easily manage their members from a single source. 
  • Other features include:

    • Member profiles
    • Network structure
    • Activity feeds
    • Private messaging
    • Content management
    • Membership billing
    • Anti-spam features
    • Advertising system
    • Browse and search
    • And even a custom online King James version of the Bible as an open resource for members and anyone else to use
  • NWC's website is so complex, it even includes multiple interfaces for mobile and tablet designs utilizing both responsive and forked interface for different search optimization strategies for various directories.

We went a little crazy on this one, but nothing is too crazy when the project is centered around the Heavenly Father.

We consider the work Divine, for a Divine Purpose.  

In fact, we are so thrilled to have been chosen to be NWC's vendor of choice that we even decided to host the first-ever DMD Group (Disciples Making Disciples) right in our Omaha Media Group Studio.

Joining NWC is 100% free - so go check it out today and start networking!

Let's Get Started, Contact Us Today!