The digital marketing trio you need

So you’ve made the leap into the American dream and you’ve started your own small business! Congratulations! We understand the blood, sweat and tears that come from having an idea, nourishing it and bringing it to the world!
In order to get your new small business into the hands of the community you serve, there are three main marketing channels you should focus on.
1. Your website.
2. Your SEO.
3. Your social media.
Sure, those three items seem like huge ones to tackle, and you’re right. They are. But when you start with these three, you’re setting your business up for success and growth online. As a Denver SEO consultant, we’re here to help you prioritize your digital marketing efforts!
Why your website is important.
Your business website is the face of your business. Fifty percent of small businesses claim to not have a website. Of that fifty percent, thirty say the cost behind it is the holdup.
Here’s the deal. Six out of ten consumers expect a brand to have online content and over half seek out their website before anything else.
Why? They want social proof of your business, more information on your products and they want to know why you sell what you do.
Humanzie the web experience of your consumer by not only sharing who you are and what products and services you provide. Through a unique and friendly About section, mission statement and unique content, you can leave a great first impression on the audience you seek.
Why SEO is important.
Now that you have a website designed and developed for your new small business, it’s time to drive traffic to it. As fantastic as it would be to have your new website display in search engines immediately, it’s not realistic.
With a good SEO strategy, your search engine rankings can gradually increase and in turn, drive organic traffic to your site. It’s important to understand that SEO takes time. Through technical tactics provided by a Denver SEO consultant, keyword research and content marketing a business can start working its way up in the rankings of search queries.
Why social media is important.
For a small business, budgets are tight. You’ve already poured money into a website and SEO which are much-needed investments. Now you need an outlet to share your business!
Social media marketing allows your business to utilize specific platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter. By building an audience on social media you can add additional social proof of your business online. Not only does this provide a network to share helpful, useful content to your followers, can directly engage with them as well.
When you combine digital marketing services like a website, SEO and social media, you’re setting your small business up to succeed online. Your website is the 24-7 salesmen you need, SEO allows for your business to be found, and social media is the handshake that brings them all together.
By understanding the audience you serve and where they consume information like yours, your business can find great success in the online world! As a Denver SEO consultant, we can assure you that these three will work in your favor.
Posted In: Social Media and Digital Marketing