Website 101: Digital Marketing, SEO and Brand Awareness

A website is critical in 2019. A business can no longer function properly without a website. As the digital world continues to expand into different aspects of business, it’s important to let the professionals handle your business’s website.
Everything from Search Engine Optimization (SEO) trends to website design strategies are constantly changing and it can be hard to maintain and upkeep. So, can a website help your current strategies?
Website and marketing
A website and digital marketing efforts work with one another quite frequently. A boosted post on Facebook could have a link to the product your business is promoting. An everyday organic post could be using reworking old blog content. An email marketing campaign could be using old blog content to explain the importance of your services that goes to your service page. Whatever the marketing strategy might be, a website is a critical component of your marketing efforts.
Without a place to send customers or consumers, these future customers may never learn about your products, services, expertise and etc. Another realm of the marketing world that gets your website on the first page of Google is Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
Website and SEO
How does a typical customer find your business? Yelp, Google, referral traffic or social media? No matter how a customer finds your business, a website optimization Denver strategy is critical for your business. A website that is never optimized with SEO strategies may never rank.
Yup, your website could be stuck in the shadows of Google Search Engine for the next 10 Google Core Updates, which in our world, is a crisis and tragedy. A website can typically rank in six to nine months dependent on the website optimization Denver strategies that have been set in place. This means proper back links, the right content with keywords, URL structure, links and even more.
Any company that is offering “results” as a way to bring customers is one that is using bad SEO practices. Google is one smart search engine. A business can get away with spammy backlinks and bad SEO practices for a short time; however, once Google picks up on this it is game over for this website. All rankings will drop or be removed from the first page. In extreme cases, a business’s website could be blacklisted from Google. Save your business the hassle and money while one can with hiring the right website optimization Denver experts the first time around. Finally, increase brand awareness!
Website and brand awareness
Brand awareness. In a world of new businesses, website and thousands of blogs a business needs to stand out. This is done with brand awareness. Brand awareness looks to increase the understanding of your products and services to future and current customers and clients.
There are several ways of enhancing your brand awareness:
Blog content
Social media postings
Email marketing
Search Engine Optimization strategies
PPC ads
All of these efforts to create and garner brand awareness are tasks that marketing and website development agencies can focus on like Denver Media Group! It’s imperative to break through the sea of information, images and content with the right strategies set in place. For more information on website optimization Denver strategies or others listed above, contact us today!
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